Evertec boosts the development of students at Universidad ORT Uruguay with an innovative project in biometric payments

Evertec, a leading financial technology company, has joined forces with the prestigious Universidad ORT Uruguay to develop a proof of concept that seeks to execute payments with biometrics, an innovative field that is transforming the way we conduct financial transactions. This project is a collaboration between Evertec and three outstanding students of Systems Engineering: Sol Mendiola, Carolina Bula and Fiorella Farinasso.
The innovative alternative that will revolutionize the eCommerce ecosystem

• According to the Colombian Chamber of Electronic Commerce (CCCE), during the first quarter of 2023, online sales totaling COP 15.1 trillion were recorded, which means an increase of 24.1% compared to the first quarter of 2022, and 87 million transactions, an increase of 12.9% compared to the first quarter of 2022, which shows a positive behavior for this economic sector in Colombia.
• Click to Pay, arrives to simplify the information needed to process a transaction, ensuring not only an improved experience for the user, but also for businesses.