How Resilient is your Company to a Cyber Attack?

Before answering this question, it is necessary to understand what “cyber resilience” is. This term is directly related to the ability to recover after having suffered or been the victim of a cyber attack. When we grasp this concept, we can ask ourselves how resilient we are as a company and how prepared we are to withstand a major event that could affect not only our operations, but also our public image and that of our customers.
Fintech Law: The key challenges for 2025

Chile is one of the few countries in the region that, due to the maturity of its market, has a Fintech Law that regulates the activity of financial and technological service providers. This regulation was necessary to lay the foundations for greater innovation and competition in the financial sector by establishing a regulatory framework for developing financial services based on technology and innovation. Although they operated with varying degrees of quality, there was also a need for greater supervision and confidence in the system.
Cybersecurity: Are you ready for the battle ahead?

This year Chile climbed 30 places in the National Cyber Security Index (NCSI), ranking 25th worldwide (being the second best ranked in Latin America). This analysis is developed by Estonia and measures the level of preparedness of countries to manage, prevent and respond to cyber-attacks that may compromise the security of information of governments and individuals.
The Age of Digital Wallets: Changing the Game for Chilean and Latin American Consumers

Digital wallets have revolutionized the way we make payments, facilitating fast and secure transactions, reducing financial gaps and breaking down barriers of traditional banking. These are just some of the factors that explain, to a large extent, the phenomenon that they have experienced in Chile and the region. In 2023, the use of digital wallets in Latin America reached a historic growth, driven by a 30% increase in digital transactions compared to the previous year.