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With 3DS you reduce the risk of fraud in e-commerce transactions.

Prevents unauthorized use of cards in electronic commerce
Helps reduce the risk of e-commerce fraud
Protects issuers from charging fraud-related transactions at non-participating merchants

Solution features

With the 3DS international authentication protocol, we allow the exchange of information between the merchant, the card issuer and, in some cases, the user, in order to validate that the transaction is being carried out by the cardholder.

We are certified by EMVCo in the 3DS 2.2 Issuer and Acquirer protocols, have more than two years of experience providing this service.

Solution benefits

It is a security protocol that allows the issuer to carry out a user authentication process prior to performing non-face-to-face transactions.

Under this new scheme, you will not have to take responsibility  for chargebacks, since the issuer has the mechanisms to reduce the risk of fraud.

It is an additional layer of security to reduce fraud losses that allows cardholders to authenticate themselves with their card issuer when making transactions at participating e-commerce stores.

Tell us what you need
With our technology, we will build the solution to make your business idea a reality together.