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Your business in the digital world

Today more than ever, electronic commerce has gained more strength since, faced with the preventive isolation that must be met worldwide, people choose digital channels to make their purchases of products and services, as well as online transactions and bill payments.

This has meant that merchants and service providers strengthen their online sales and payment processing platforms to give customers a positive experience.

In Puerto Rico, according to the study by the Puerto Rico Sales and Marketing Executives Association (SME) ‘2019 Digital & Mobile Behavioral Study‘, it is estimated that around one million people made use of electronic commerce, and participation in 2020 increased more than 43%. It is estimated that by 2021 this figure is expected to increase by at least 18% more.

This is why it is important that businesses that are not yet in the digital world, should undoubtedly go to a strategic partner that allows them to sell their products and services through a payment gateway that meets the main characteristics to develop a good e-commerce exercise, which is profitable for the business and represents an excellent experience for its customers and users.

Taking into account the channels through which your client communicates with the amrca is useful to know what means to implement in your business. For example, the use of mobile devices is gaining momentum: 72% of consumers are using mobile devices to buy in stores according to the latest PYMNTS 2020 remote payments study.

(source: Forbes)

Some benefits of taking your business to the digital world:

  • Geographic barriers are removed.

  • Intermediaries are reduced and physical contact is avoided.

  • You can sell 24/7 with the highest security in the processing of transactions.

  • Fixed costs involved in physical stores are reduced.

Evertec has extensive experience in these types of services and solutions and can help you take your business to the next level.

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