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PAU is the omnichannel service platform that integrates all of your company’s communication channels into one solution.

24/7 attention
More secure information
Better user experience

Omnichannel user support platform

PAU is the omnichannel support platform that integrates all communication channels of your company into one solution.

With the support of the virtual assistant, you will be able to assist your customers 24/7/365, ensuring efficiency in your operational processes by automating them through the natural language processing engine and the service interconnection bus.

PAU guarantees information security, service scalability, data protection in a secure and highly available environment, prioritizing usability and the user experience.

Platform features

  • Omniturno
    Allows customers to self-manage queues and appointments without the need to be at the organization’s branch. It provides full traceability of customer requests and service times by the organization.

  • Reservations
    An automated service that allows users to make reservations at restaurants, manage medical appointments, or schedule appointments at a hair salon or spa quickly and easily.

  • Payments
    Enables the management of payments for any transaction that an organization wishes to offer through the chat.

  • Transactions
    An automated service that allows users to self-manage their transactions without the need for an agent or operator.

  • Collections
    An automated service that allows users to check their debts 24/7 and make payments directly through the chat.


  1. Omnichannel: Manage and centralize all of your company’s communication channels on one platform.

  2. Full control: View the overall actions of your customers and employees.

  3. Transparency: Regardless of the channel used, communications are transparent to the customer since all interactions will always be handled through the same platform.

  4. Complete statistics: Displays the tracking of conversations, response times, types of queries, among others.

  5. Response automation: Automating the responses and handling of conversations allows many queries to be answered without an operator’s intervention.

  6. Traceability: Having 360 vision not only allows you to offer more personalized attention, it also provides a clear overview of all the conversations, queries, and complaints submitted, thus making it possible to know in advance the user’s pattern of queries and avoid duplicate requests submitted by the customer.

Aditional modules

Pau Bot

Automates responses through social media and messaging services.

PAU Talk​

Everything automated through chat can also be automated through a traditional voice channel.

PAU People

The console allows for human delegation, viewing the full conversation traceability with the bot, launching services, among other features.

PAU Analytics

PAU's backend has a module that allows for the visualization of all the organization's clients in a single profile, offering traceability of all conversations with that client and also all the channels through which they have contacted the organization.


Provides complete traceability of all conversations with the organization, including by channel type, client, date, time, and audience type.

Tell us what you need
With our technology, we will build the solution to make your business idea a reality together.

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