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7 Tips for a successful eCommerce

A thriving e-commerce focuses its attention far beyond sales; its main focus is on the consumer, one with unique needs and preferences. Opening up a range of possibilities and facilities to customers within your sales strategy is a must.
Un comercio electrónico próspero, centra su mirada mucho más allá de las ventas; su mayor esfuerzo está en el consumidor, uno con necesidades y preferencias únicas.

Here are seven tips to boost your online business:

Provide personalized
shopping experiences:

Today’s digital shopper is looking for increasingly customized experiences that anticipate their thoughts, tastes and preferences. For this, it is key to incorporate Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence tools that allow analyzing the behavior of different customers on eCommerce platforms, in order to deliver product recommendations that may be of interest to them, targeted advertising, personalized e-mail marketing and content that fits perfectly with their needs.

To have a friendly, varied
and secure payment platform:

It is essential to offer a payment gateway that meets security standards, has measures to prevent fraud, has simple and fast steps to process payments, accepts various methods and has good technical support and customer service in case of problems.


Beyond focusing all your efforts on making your e-commerce platform attractive, what really adds value to your business is the delivery of a seamless and consistent shopping experience across the different available channels that customers use to interact with your brand; providing the ability to discover your products through different contact points, offering useful and detailed product information and the option to buy both online and in-store. In addition to improving the quality of the customer experience, adopting omnichannel allows you to increase sales and customer loyalty to your business.


The eCommerce boom in recent years has awakened the need to innovate in the logistics offer in its different stages. Shortening delivery times, offering new shipping options or product pickup at low cost and having efficient and fast return policies are key points to consider when thinking about the needs of your digital consumers.

Some of the trends that have stood out in recent times are innovations in micromobility to meet last mile deliveries such as the use of drones, autonomous robots, smart lockers and the use of Artificial Intelligence to continuously improve performance at different stages of the logistics process.

Integrating social selling
into your sales strategy:

According to Hubspot, social selling is defined as the process of researching, connecting and interacting with your prospects or customers through social networks and their various interaction tools, with a purpose that goes beyond just increasing sales for your business, but to create genuine relationships with your target audience, allowing you to build trust and loyalty through your brand.

Choosing the most relevant social networks for your target audience, creating eye-catching content that connects with your followers, constantly monitoring the different interactions and conversations generated with your customers to identify their needs and being an active part of communities or interest groups are some of the key points when applying this method.

Invest in
digital marketing:

Nowadays, digital marketing has become an essential ingredient to boost the growth of your e-commerce, offering a multiplicity of tools to attract new customers; content marketing, email marketing, network advertising and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are its main components, through which you can give greater visibility to your business and products, segment your audience accurately, generate metrics and detailed analysis of results and establish valuable and lasting relationships with your customers.

Attractive and detailed
display of your products:

For the products you offer on your web platform to attract the attention of your visitors, you must think about the different components that can facilitate their online purchasing process; offer a proper classification of your different products, detailed descriptions and features, quality images, reviews and evaluations section, recommendations according to the preferences and previous purchases of your customers.

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