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Your payment link open to the whole world

Need to sell online without a website? Want to securely receive social media payments? Whether you sell products or services, our payment gateway is a flexible and scalable option that adapts to your business needs.
No website, no integrations, no code. Enable your payment link and share it with your customers to receive instant transactions..

Your personalized payment link

Multiply your opportunities and revenue

Our gateway allows you to generate multiple payment links for different products, customers or channels.

Make it happen without touching a single line of code!

Personalize, impact and sell

Start using paid links, no programming skills required.

Build trust with your customers by adding your branding to your payment links. From color to logo, you can customize your payments.

Receive instant confirmation

Get immediate alerts for each transaction, through the communication channel of your choice.

Personalize your payments

Customize the payment link with your brand name for instant identification to your customers.

Live our real-time payment experience!

Browse and get a better understanding of our new tool.

How does it work? Receive online payments without integrations and without code

Let's find a payment solution for your business together

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