acquirer processing
Manage the acquiring ecosystem of your organization
Solutions that meet all the needs of the acquiring business from configuration, operation, management reports and complete business administration.
Certified with the main brands
24/7 activity monitoring
Real-time alerts
Automate and digitize financial management
Existe una relación simbiótica entre emisión y adquirencia: para que haya emisión, debe haber aceptación, para que exista aceptación debe darse la emisión. Entendemos la adquirencia como la aceptación de medios de pago y al adquirente como la institución que acepta pagos a favor de un comercio.
Daniel Barba - Director de Productos de Evertec.
Our acquiring service modules provide you with:
- Visa, MasterCard, American Express
- Credit, debit, prepaid and private label
- Merchant creation, activation and retention
- Billing, clearing, settlement and reporting
- Fraud and risk management, refund and collections
- Authorization and capture
- POS switching and driving
- Chip and contactless card acceptance
- Chargeback handling
- Email and text message generation
- Remote POS management
We provide a multi-channel solution, thus allowing the acceptance of:
- Points of sale (POS)
- Electronic commerce
- Payment portal
- Telephone and online orders
- Integration of cash registers
- Call service for your affiliated businesses
- mPOS (Smartphone as POS)
- vPOS (virtual POS for PC)
- Recurring charges
- Kiosks
- Collect
- Non-bank correspondent
- Fleet card