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March schedule

20 de septiembre | México

Evento líder en la industria de medios de pago en Latinoamérica. Este foro reúne a líderes empresariales, expertos en tecnología e innovación, y otros profesionales relacionados con la industria para discutir las últimas tendencias, desafíos y oportunidades en el ecosistema de pagos.


ERP Summit
22 de octubre | Colombia

El Mayor Evento Global sobre Software y Gestión, contará con la presencia de expositores reconocidos y referentes en el mercado, quienes darán a conocer las últimas tendencias en innovación y transformación digital a empresarios, directores generales y gerentes de empresas de diversos sectores, tamaños y servicios. 

Mastercard Innovation Forum
3 y 4 de diciembre | USA

Fintech México Festival
February 27th | Mexico

A leading event in the Mexican fintech industry that seeks to drive innovation and development in the financial sector through technology.

It aims to be a catalyst for the growth of the fintech ecosystem, promoting collaboration, learning, and the creation of solutions that transform the financial industry to benefit Mexican society.

CAMP 2025
March 6 – 7 | Colombia

An annual event organized by Asobancaria (Banking and Financial Institutions Association of Colombia) focused on the latest trends and innovations in the financial and payment methods sector.Its main objective is to promote access to financial services and the modernization of payment methods in Colombia, driving financial inclusion and the country’s economic development.

V International Congress of Cybersecurity, Fraud Prevention, and Physical Security
March 26 – 28 | Panama

The 5th International Congress of Cybersecurity, Fraud Prevention, and Physical Security has the main objective of promoting the exchange of knowledge, innovations, and global best practices. Our goal is to collaborate in the detection, analysis, and mitigation of risks, strengthening the security of the resources and information that banks safeguard to offer superior service to their clients.

Next months

  • América Digital Latinoamérica
  • Asocajas Colombia
  • Copayment México