This includes hurricanes like Fiona, which hit the Island of Enchantment in September of this year and after which a large portion of the western region is still struggling to recover. Aware of the impact, and as a demonstration of support toward the recovery efforts, Evertec in conjunction with ATH led an initiative where, from September 23 to October 7, Evertec matched each dollar donated through the “Donate” feature in the ATH Móvil application to 31 organizations that stood out for their work in helping those affected by the disaster. The maximum limit was set at $100,000 with a cap of $5,000 per organization, subject to the availability of funds.
According to Evertec President and CEO Mac Schuessler, “Hurricane Fiona inflicted hardship on Puerto Rico and the Caribbean, and our hearts go out to those affected. We remain deeply committed to the recovery and I am proud of our colleagues and their efforts to respond to these challenges.”
Below, we have listed the institutions that were supported by Evertec and the citizens of Puerto Rico:
- Taller Salud / TallerSalud
- La Fondita de Jesús / LaFonditaDeJesus
- Techos Pa’ Mi Gente / TPMGCorp
- Rehaciendo Comunidades con Esperanza / REHACE
- MATRIA / ProyectoMatria
- Casa Protegida Julia de Burgos / CasaJulia
- Banco de Alimentos de PR / bancodealimentosdepr
- Fundación Mochileando / FundacionMochileando
- Ayuda Legal Puerto Rico / ayudalegalpuertorico
- Fundacion Pisadas de Amor / FundacionPisadasDeAmor
- Comedores Sociales de Puerto Rico / ComedoresSocialesPR
- PlenitudPR / PlenitudPR
- Puerto Rico Renace, Inc / PUERTORICORENACEINC
- Red Por La Niñez /AlberguesPR
- True Self Foundation / TrueSelf
- Brownie Blondie Foundation / Brownieblondiefoundation
- Scuba Dogs Society / Scubadogssociety
- ConPRmetidos / ConPRmetidos
- Centros Sor Isolina Ferre / CentrosSorIsolinaFerre
- Fundación Yo no me quito / yonomequitopr
- Para La Naturaleza /Paralanaturaleza
- Hogar Forjadores de Esperanza / HogarForjadores
- El Comedor de la Kennedy / ElComedordelaKennedy
- Cáritas Puerto Rico / CaritasPR
- Hogar Ruth / HogarRuthparaMujeres
- Save a Sato / saveasato
- Ciencia en Tus Manos / cienciaentusmanos
- Iniciativa Comunitaria / IniciativaComunitaria
- Boys and Girls Club / BoysandGirlsClubsdePR
- Cruz Roja Americana, Capítulo de Puerto Rico / CruzRojaPR