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How Resilient is your Company to a Cyber Attack?

Before answering this question, it is necessary to understand what “cyber resilience” is. This term is directly related to the ability to recover after having suffered or been the victim of a cyber attack. When we grasp this concept, we can ask ourselves how resilient we are as a company and how prepared we are to withstand a major event that could affect not only our operations, but also our public image and that of our customers.

That is why all companies must maintain a global strategy to defend themselves, involving all the company’s stakeholders, in order to work together to respond and recover as soon as possible from an impact that affects our assets or infrastructure. With the increase of ramsonware events and attacks on suppliers (supply chain) worldwide, companies are more exposed to this type of events. If we add to this the fact that these types of attacks are becoming more sophisticated, complex and very difficult to detect, the outlook is not so encouraging for companies that do not have a response plan in place (an obligation that is being contemplated in the new cybersecurity law in Chile).

The World Economic Forum’s
Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2024

revealed that 81% of large business executives surveyed responded that they feel more or similarly exposed to cybercrime than last year.

In addition, the report notes that cyber resilience and CEO confidence are closely related. Some 93% of respondents indicated that their organization is a leader and innovator in cyber resilience and are confident that their CEO can get that message out to the public.

This is where the question arises: How resilient is your company to a cyber attack? Having a global cyber resilience strategy implies a comprehensive approach that aligns prevention measures and clear action protocols to generate an agile and planned response that minimizes damage and protects the operation. Cyber resilience allows transforming the response structures of companies, making them more resilient and adaptable to threats that are constantly evolving.

In an ideal scenario, a large enterprise may be protected, but what about the ability to withstand attacks from your suppliers and how does it affect the supply chain?

How is cyber
resilience achieved?

Building a cyber resilient enterprise starts with a mindset of anticipation and constant preparation. This includes updating security systems and protocols, establishing and simulating Cyber Incident Response Plans (CIRP) that allow organizations to react quickly and accurately.

In addition, it is crucial to constantly update and train teams in best practices and early threat detection. It is here where universities and academic institutions, as well as companies, must make a leap in talent development and training of collaborators, in order to generate an increasingly specialized task force.

It is important to consider that it is no longer a matter of preventing or resisting an attack, but of maintaining efficiency, reducing the impact on the operation, minimizing losses and protecting the brand image in the eyes of the entire spectrum of customers and public opinion.

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