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Putting the protection of our planet Earth into practice

At Evertec we are aware that to ensure the economic and social long-term sustainability of the world in which we live in, it is necessary to safeguard the natural resources that maintain it in good condition. We understand that it is imperative to protect nature and our Planet’s ecosystems not only for today’s society, but also to ensure the survival of future generations. For all these reasons, it is why we join and support initiatives like the Earth Hour that provide hope for a better tomorrow.

For this reason, on a yearly basis every last Saturday in March at exactly 8:30 p.m. local time, Evertec and its employees join the hundreds of millions of people around the world who turn off the non-essential lights in their homes for one hour, in support of Earth Hour.

This initiative is an event organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), a non-governmental organization founded in Switzerland in 1961 and one who has since then been one of the largest international nature conservation organizations worldwide. Earth Hour has become a global actor to demand and make people aware that we must stop the deterioration and pollution of the planet. At the same time, it unifies all those who strive to ensure a better future for upcoming generations.

Earth Hour not only seeks to reduce energy consumption, but also aims to draw the attention of the world’s population to the problems that are threatening our planet.

At Evertec, we have been participating in this global event since 2014 and it has become one of the official activities of our environmental program, “Revolución Naranja” (Orange Revolution), that we carry out together with our employees. This year was not the exception. In addition to promoting the event and educating our employees through an internal campaign, we also ran an awareness campaign leveraging all our social networks inviting our followers to joining the calling to protect the planet. As a result, on March 27th at 8:30 p.m. and for the 8th consecutive year, over 150 Evertec volunteers – employees and family members – turned off the lights in their homes in 7 of the countries we operate in: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Uruguay. Together we demonstrated our genuine commitment to protecting our environment.

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