technology management
Management, monitoring, and implementation of information technology for your business
We manage your company's technology and connectivity at all the different points of your operation.
Administración de servidores
Permite que nuestro equipo monitoree y administre tu infraestructura de procesamiento física o virtual, manteniéndola segura y actualizada, evitando interrupciones en la operación.
Asesoría y configuración SDWAN
Te asesoramos con la topología de conectividad apropiada sobre tecnología SDWAN para tus procesos comerciales y te damos soporte en su configuración.
Administración de redes
Nuestros expertos te ayudarán a mantener tu red WAN, LAN, y WLAN; detectando, corrigiendo y previniendo proactivamente interrupciones para lograr su más alto rendimiento y disponibilidad.
Information technology management
We manage your company’s technology to keep your businesses connected to each other and to your customers. We also provide support for your business continuity plan to make sure you stay up to date in case of an emergency.

Features solution
- Data center: We run your business application from our world-class data center.
- Computer equipment management: We keep your laptops and desktops secure, updated, and in working order to protect your business in its digital transformation.
- Connectivity and collaboration: We provide integrated communications and collaboration solutions. We integrate telephone services, instant messaging, and web and face-to-face conferences into one innovative experience.
- Microsoft 365 provisioning and management: We provide you with software licensing consultancy and help your business deploy, use, and manage Microsoft Office 365 so you have the freedom to work from virtually anywhere.
- Business continuity: We provide the most robust infrastructure and services to support your business continuity in case of an emergency or disruption to your operations.
Applications for managed businesses
Our business applications deliver proactive business insights, allow for mobile and remote work setups, and make integrations easier with specialized tools, as well as save you time and money by streamlining your critical processes and allowing you to manage your business and review all interactions with your customers, suppliers, and internal users.